Low Deductible Health Insurance Plan

Secure the Best Health Insurance with Low Deductible

If you are looking to buy cheap low deductible low premium health insurance plan then we are there to help. Although such healthcare plans have lower premiums, making an informed decision on your purchase might not be an easy task.

FreeQuotesHealthInsurance is one of the leading health Insurance services companies and therefore, is in a position to guide you in deciding the right option for your specific healthcare coverage requirements. To get free quotes, apply here now!

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How To Obtain Affordable Health Insurance with Low Deductible?

cheap health insurance with low deductible

The term “deductible” refers to the money you will pay in advance to your insurer for settling a claim. The insurance company will start paying expenses once the deductible amount is exhausted. And when the deductible is low, the monthly health insurance premium will be much higher than that which is charged for a healthcare coverage with a high deductible.

Nevertheless, low deductible health insurance policies enable easy prediction and management of healthcare costs in the event of your developing some illness, suffering from an injury or undergoing an emergency surgery. With lower deductibles, there will be no out-of-pocket expenses and so, you do not have any financial worries. But you may have to let go Health Savings Account option.

affordable health insurance with low deductible
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benefits of low deductible health insurance

Buy Low Deductible Health Insurance Plan for Extra Protection

Low deductible health insurance policies may have reduced premiums and they can be ideal for people with budgetary constraints. With an easily affordable health insurance with low deductible, you will have the chances to secure the below mentioned advantages.

  • Policy will cover your pregnancy, children or any planning in that direction.
  • Coverage will pay expenses for frequent doctor visits if you have some chronic condition.
  • Policy will pay costs for surgeries that are required for hip or knee replacements.
  • Even some expensive drugs or prescription medicines are covered by these policies.
  • Coverage will pay costs for injuries caused to children.
Major Benefits of Low Deductible Health Insurance Plans

During your effort to find cheap health insurance with low deductible, it is important that you get the best possible coverage for a competitive price. Such a prerogative enables you to make sure that you and your family members are adequately covered for even events like minor accidents that can result in injuries. To that effect, buying a low deductible health insurance plan could be a perfect solution for you.

Although these policies come standard with some challenges, they offer few unique benefits. You may just have to decide whether it is the right option for you by taking the following pros and cons into consideration before you start researching your alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can think of buying a high deductible health insurance plan if you are young and healthy since you may require preventive care only. But if you are older and have some chronic health condition, or are into some high risk sport/activities, currently pregnant or planning to have child soon then a health insurance plans with low deductible may be right for you.

Typically, health insurance deductibles pay costs towards medical expenses till 100% of the amount paid as deductible is met. It is the deductible amount which will get adjusted first and thereafter, the insurer will start sharing the healthcare related costs.

No. Expenses that are likely to be incurred on certain healthcare services such as weight loss surgery, acupuncture or fertility treatment are usually not covered under health insurance policies. Hence, such medical costs do not count towards healthcare coverage deductible.

By selecting high health insurance deductible, you may be able to reduce your premium costs drastically. However, with deductibles, you are far from HSA option and so, any unexpected injury or illness can make you spend thousands from your pocket.

High deductible plans have lower premiums than low deductible policies as buyer agrees to pay large amount of money upfront. The higher deductible amount compensates overall coverage risks of insurers before they start sharing additional costs incurred on medical treatments.

Know more about health terms

  • Obamacare

    "Obamacare" make it convenient for qualified consumers with lower incomes to secure government subsidies for individual and family health insurance policies. To qualify, you just have to make sure that your yearly household income is in the range 100% to 400% of federal poverty level.

  • Pre-existing Conditions

    The term pre-existing conditions implies health problems such as asthma, blood pressure, diabetes or cancer that a policy buyer already has prior to the beginning of the health coverage.

  • Co-Insurance

    The term “co-insurance” refers to the percentage of permissible charges for all health insurance services covered under a policy. These expenses have to be borne by the buyer.

  • Dependent

    The term “Dependent”, refers to child, spouse, parents, relative or any other person to be covered under family health policy. As per IRS rules and regulations premiums for policies purchased under ACA are eligible for tax credit benefits.

  • Special Enrollment Period

    To get enrolled for federal healthcare benefits there is an open enrolment period that is effective from the 1st of Nov. to 15th Dec. Enrolment for ACA plan post the specified time period is called the special enrolment period.

  • Preventative Care

    The term “Preventive Care” refers to the health services needed for preventing illnesses or even diseases. Such services may include counselling sessions, routine healthcare check-ups or family members covered under an ACA plan.

  • Embedded Deductible

    The term “Embedded Deductible” refers to combining of individual & family health insurance deductibles for a family health insurance policy.

  • Non-Embedded Deductible

    A non-embedded or aggregate deductible health insurance plan requires buyer to pay total family deductible amount out of pocket before the coverage begins. Insurer will thereafter start paying for the healthcare services of every individual member covered under the policy.

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